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关于端午节的英语<a href='/zuowen/' target='_blank'><u>作文</u></a>范文

关于端午节的英语作文 第一篇


Today is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, a traditional Chinese festival - "Dragon Boat Festival".


This "Dragon Boat Festival" has a history. It is said that there was a great patriotic poet named QuYuan who was attacked and framed by the powerful officials of the state of Chu because he opposed compromise and advocated to unite with Qi to resist Qin. He was successively relegated and exiled by the cup king and the Qing Xiang king. After leaving Yingdu, Quyuan walked along the Yangtze River to the East. He was haggard in color and wore long hair, leading a life of wandering.


He did not know why the world was so black and white, loyal and evil, beautiful and ugly. He couldn't help but feel angry. He shouted and recited loudly. At the same time, he picked up his pen and wrote a wonderful eternal "Heaven asked" on the stone wall. He knew that he could not reconcile himself with the reality. Finally, he threw himself into the Guluo River and ended his tragic life.


The local laobaisheng respected and loved Quyuan very much. For fear that his body would be eaten by fish, they threw a kind of thing wrapped in rice with brown leaves - brown seeds to feed the fish, so that the fish would not eat Quyuan. After that, Qu Yuan was commemorated in this way every year.


Today is the day to commemorate Qu Yuan. I smelled the strong fragrance of palm seeds early in the morning, so I quickly washed the Laise, and eagerly sat down beside the dining bed and ate the palm seeds with relish. I think: why should a loyal minister like Quyuan be exiled and beaten and framed by bad people? Why don't those treacherous ministers consider whether the country will be swallowed up by others? One day, the country will fall into their hands. How can that stupid King know that Quyuan is a loyal minister? It's stupid. Although I feel sorry for Qu Yuan, it doesn't affect my good appetite for brown seeds.


In the future, I will learn from Qu Yuan and be a person who can make contributions to the motherland.

关于端午节的英语作文 第二篇


It will be the Dragon Boat Festival in a few days. It happens that today's outdoor class also has several activities related to the Dragon Boat Festival. One of the activities that impressed me most is: making zongzi.


Before making zongzi, an old woman came to the table to be our "coach" for making zongzi. She first picked up two green Zong leaves and told us: "we must turn the curved veins downward!", Then she crossed the two Zong leaves and made them into a funnel like shape. Then she put some mung beans, glutinous rice, streaky pork and salted egg yolk in it. She took two Zong leaves and wrapped them in the mouth of the funnel. Finally, she took out a thread and tied it to the zongzi. One zongzi was made!


I learned from her and finally made the last step. I let go of my hand accidentally. I heard a "crash" and the glutinous rice flew out. Later, I decided to make a zongzi. At that last moment, I succeeded and I jumped around happily.


When I grow up, I must pass on this custom!

关于端午节的英语作文 第三篇


The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is our country's traditional festival - the Dragon Boat Festival. The day before the festival, the teacher informed us that the class would hold an egg smashing competition the next day. Everyone was very excited.


The next day, I hung up the five color egg bag my grandmother had prepared for me, and brought two eggs and a duck egg to school. The classroom was very lively. The students brought all kinds of eggs, including blue salted duck eggs, fat goose eggs, and even huge ostrich eggs! I took a look at my tiny egg and was a little worried. Let's start the group competition first, and the winner will compete with other groups on behalf of this group.


I was still a little confident. My grandmother said that I should wrap all the eggs in my hands and leak a little bit. This will not only make the eggs stronger, but also protect my eggs from being easily broken by others. I tried to do as I could, but all I heard was a bang, and my egg was smashed. Alas, I am so disappointed. Then my other egg and duck egg were also defeated. Since I was eliminated, I simply turned sadness into appetite and ate salted duck eggs. They are so delicious, ha ha.


After each group elected representatives, the final finals began. My deskmate came on stage. The teacher stipulated that eggs collide with eggs, and duck eggs collide with duck eggs. A total of eight people started the competition. My eyes have been fixed on my deskmate. I saw him holding the belly of the egg with both hands, standing with both feet back and forth, putting on a good posture, and then starting to meet a round of challenges. Wow, he is really experienced. His opponents hit and broke one by one, just like a robot, repeating the same action. The students worked hard to cheer for their group. Finally, as I expected, my deskmate won all and became the egg king of this year!


Everyone had a good time. The egg smashing competition ended with a lot of laughter.

关于端午节的英语作文 第四篇


The fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is celebrated in memory of the great poet Quyuan. After Quyuan jumped into the river, some fishermen went to salvage Quyuan's real body. Some people threw zongzi into the river. In order to feed the fish, shrimp and dragons, do not eat Quyuan.


So on this day, people eat zongzi. The practice of zongzi is very simple: first put materials on the glutinous rice, make the glutinous rice into a three-dimensional triangle, then wrap it with wormwood leaves, steam it for a while, and the zongzi is ready.


Every family has to make zongzi, and my family is no exception. I put all kinds of things on the glutinous rice. My mother made the glutinous rice into a three-dimensional triangle. My father wrapped it with wormwood leaves and finally put it in a pot to cook. Rice dumplings are ready. Smell them, smell them, and eat them. They are sweet but not greasy.


On this day, people will also have a dragon boat race, that is, a dragon shaped boat race. But I've only seen it on TV. I haven't seen such a fierce scene with my own eyes. I must see it with my own eyes next time I have a chance.


The Dragon Boat Festival is really an interesting traditional festival!

关于端午节的英语作文 第五篇


Do you know the Dragon Boat Festival? The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China. It is the fifth day of may in the lunar calendar.


Why do people celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival? It is said to commemorate our patriotic poet Quyuan. Quyuan was a great patriot. After his death, the people of the state of Chu were very sad and rushed to the Guluo River to mourn Quyuan. The fishermen rowed boats to and fro the river to retrieve his body. One fisherman took out rice balls, eggs and other food prepared for Qu Yuan and threw them into the river, "plop", saying that if the fish dragons, shrimps and crabs were full, they would not bite Dr. Qu's body. People followed suit. A doctor poured a jar of realgar wine into the river and said that he would use the wine to stun the dragon. Later, the fifth day of the fifth lunar month was designated as the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate Quyuan.


I learned from books that on the Dragon Boat Festival, there are customs such as making zongzi, racing dragon boats and hanging wormwood.


Our school has a holiday every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, and this year is no exception. In the morning, after breakfast, my sister and I turned on the TV to watch the dragon boat race. The competitors were well dressed and energetic. Looking at them, they were very excited. They rowed and shouted: come on, come on! The competition was very fierce and the scene was very lively. Such a dragon boat race made me feel the lively atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival. At this time, I suddenly heard my mother Call, it turned out that my mother bought my favorite red date zongzi from the supermarket in the city. My sister and I rushed out to pick up the zongzi and ate it. The zongzi was fragrant and waxy, and soon I ate it clean. Mother also bought us colorful threads, which were woven into a colorful bracelet and worn by my sister and me. Mother said, "this is the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. It can ward off evil spirits."


The Dragon Boat Festival is really interesting! Friends, do you have these customs in your hometown during the Dragon Boat Festival?



你们知道端午节吗?端午节是我国的传统节日,是农历的五月初五。以下是小编为大家整理的关于端午节的英语作文范文,欢迎各位同学借鉴与参考,但愿对各位同学有所帮助。 关于端...


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    端午节一直是中华民族最重要的传统节日之一,是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。以下是小编为大家整理的写端午节的作文,欢迎各位同学借鉴与参考,但愿对各位同学有所帮助。 写端午节的

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